Our software solutions
PARLe, short for Online Dispute Resolution Platform, is a technological solution dedicated to the administration of Justice.
ISA is a software module that facilitates the use of technology both in courtrooms (computer and audiovisual tools) and for the presentation of evidence (access to the electronic clerk, annotation sharing tools, etc.) for all the stakeholders of a hearing, whether it is the clerk, the judge or the parties.
The electronic clerk is a Web application that enables the management of the judiciary chain. It is very flexible and adaptable in that it allows for the creation of a court file as well as allowing several categories of users to be associated with that file and follow its evolution throughout the legal process. The electronic clerk is essentially broken up into a number of modules that work both together and separately to enable the management of most of the aspects of the life cycle of a court case without obliging the use of paper files, although this remains a possibility.
Through the Canada Foundation for Innovation, the Cyberjustice Laboratory team is developing a new online dispute resolution platform called "Virtual Court". This platform is highly modular and quickly configurable so that it can model most of the major essential functions of a criminal, civil or administrative justice chain.
This content has been updated on 05/18/2019 at 19 h 49 min.