
Using Artificial Intelligence to Increase Access to Justice


JusticeBot is a computer software tool using Artificial Intelligence (AI) to simplify access to legal information for the public. The tool asks people a number of questions about their dispute and shows them information about similar previous cases, enabling them to gain a better understanding of their situation. Currently, development is focused on conflicts between landlords and tenants, but the methodology and tools will be useable in many legal domains.


Improve access to Justice

People can have trouble dealing with everyday legal issues. The process is often complex and frustrating as the law is complicated and it is difficult to navigate the unfamiliar court system. JusticeBot will support people involved in legal disputes to better understand their situation, based on analyzed previous court decisions.

Fundamental research

JusticeBot is an important step in investigating the use of artificial intelligence in the legal domain. The methodology, skills and best-practices developed in the JusticeBot project will in the future be applicable not only to landlord-tenant disputes, but also to other areas of law, thereby improving the general public access to law and justice.


Answer questions

Answer a few questions about your legal issue from your computer or smartphone, using a user-friendly interface available 24/7.


Our algorithm analyses your answers and gives you information by comparing your situation to previous legal cases.

Solve your dispute

Hopefully, the information gained from JusticeBot will help you to settle or proceed with the case.

Selected news & publications

Launch of JusticeBot TAL!


The Cyberjustice Laboratory, in collaboration with the Tribunal administratif du logement and with financing from the Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation, is proud to announce the launch of JusticeBot, a free and innovative computer tool, using artificial intelligence (AI), to simplify access to legal information for tenants and landlords on a number of housing-related issues across Quebec.

Presentation on the research behind JusticeBot


In this webinar, Hannes presents the research behind JusticeBot, and the upcoming JusticeBot challenge. Check it out!

New research funding to put artificial intelligence at the service of judicial actors to promote the rights of tenants and landlords in Quebec


The Ministère de l'Économie et de l'Innovation du Québec grants a research funding to Prof. Karim Benyekhlef, director of the Cyberjustice Laboratory, to promote the appropriation and implementation of JusticeBot, a conversational agent dedicated to the rights of tenants and landlords in Quebec, to its two partners: the Régie du logement du Québec and the Aide juridique de Montréal et Laval.

JusticeBot research presented at ICAIL 2019


At the 17th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law in Montreal, we had the pleasure of presenting the initial research behind JusticeBot in our paper titled: "Using Factors to Predict and Analyze Landlord-Tenant Decisions to Increase Access to Justice".

The Team

Hannes Westermann

Lead researcher, PhD Student at Université de Montréal

Me Mark Likhten

Project Manager, Cyberjustice Laboratory

Prof Karim Benyekhlef

Director, Cyberjustice Laboratory

Me Valentin Callipel

Head of mission, Cyberjustice Laboratory

Me Aliaa Elhage

Legal Advisor, Aide juridique

Olivier Salaün

PhD Student, Recherche appliquée en linguistique informatique laboratory

Prof Vern Walker

The Research Laboratory for Law, Logic and Technology, Hofstra University

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This content has been updated on 07/07/2022 at 13 h 32 min.