Nouvelles | Page 42


Document de travail n°15 – Le dépôt technologique des documents

Le ministère de la Justice du Québec a mandaté l’équipe du Laboratoire de cyberjustice de Montréal afin que cette dernière leur fournisse certaines informations relatives au dépôt technologique des documents auprès des tribunaux québécois et canadiens. Après avoir analysé la situation de 178 tribunaux de droit commun et tribunaux administratifs, cette étude résume les résultats […] Lire la suite


Distance mediation as a bridge for social inclusion

The original analysis of their viability in the contemporary society began with a group of academics in 1996 in USA. Their investigations focused on the development of Online Dispute Resolution ODR, and were directed by Professor Ethan Katsh, founder of the Center for Information Technology and Dispute Resolution located at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. […] Lire la suite


Jurors: Can Google Be Prohibited from Googling?

An interesting dispute is ongoing in a California Federal District Court, where Google and Oracle are involved in litigation. In a decision issued on 1 March 2016 (Oracle America, Inc. v. Google Inc., Case No. C 10-03561-WHA (N.D. Cal. March 1, 2016) [link unavailable]), the parties submitted a jury questionnaire to the court for approval, […] Lire la suite


Online Dispute Resolution platform doesn’t work

The Online Dispute Resolution platform, aimed to help online shoppers settling disputes with merchants across Europe, still doesn’t offer exactly what it meant to do. The consumer tool was launched officially in February, but still five countries – including big ecommerce markets Germany and France – haven’t connected yet. To Tead Full Text. Lire la suite


What Is The Law Of The Blockchain?

No, it’s not a chain that stretches around your block. It is a peer-to-peer managed, publicly readable and secure database, chunks of which are located in multiple places. Each « place » (or node) is an isolated and independent computer on a network. Each computer is equipped with special software for management of the blockchain. The blockchain […] Lire la suite


Des délais intenables

Le Devoir – 21 mars 2016: Si le passé est garant de l’avenir, Nathalie Normandeau et les six autres coaccusés arrêtés la semaine dernière par l’Unité permanente anticorruption ne subiront pas leur procès avant l’année 2020. Le temps d’attente dans les tribunaux québécois ne cesse d’augmenter, à Montréal en particulier. Selon Statistique Canada, la durée […] Lire la suite


Nouveau projet de recherche avec l’Université de Barcelone

PRÉSTAMOS HIPOTECARIOS, CONSUMIDORES, MEDIACIÓN OBLIGATORIA Y ONLINE DISPUTE RESOLUTION Nombre: Convocatòria d’ajuts del Programa Estatal de Foment de la Investigació Científica i Tècnica d’Excel·lència. Subprograma Estatal de generació del coneixement. Modalitat Projectes d’R+D Organismo: Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad Programa: Programa Nacional de ciencias sociales, económicas y jurídicas Código oficial: DER2015-65148-C2-2-P Fecha inicial: 01/01/2016 Fecha […] Lire la suite