Graduate Law and Artificial Intelligence Conference 2019

GLAIC – Fostering Empowerment through Artificial Intelligence: Where Do We Go from Here?

The Cyberjustice Laboratory invites you, on February 25, 2019, to the first edition of the Graduate Law and Artificial Intelligence Conference – GLAIC, where a group of promising young researchers from around the world will present their research on the subject of artificial intelligence (AI) and law, from an interdisciplinary perspective.


Supported by the Autonomy Through Cyberjustice Technologies and Artificial Intelligence (ACT) Project, and in line with the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law (ICAIL 2019) that the Laboratory will host from June 17-19, 2019, this day will be an opportunity to take stock of the state of research and of the issues surrounding ethics, governance, accountability, etc., regarding the application of AI in the legal field.  We will host several keynote speakers for the occasion. 

Recognized as 7.5 hours of mandatory continuing education by the Barreau du Québec.

A certificate of participation representing 7.5 hours of continuing education will be provided for notaries.

Online Registration : FULL



(Speakers will present in English; question periods will be translated)


Registration | Inscriptions


Opening Remarks | Mots d’ouverture

Karim Benyekhlef, Professeur, Ad.E., Directeur

Laboratoire de cyberjustice, Université de Montréal (Canada)


Opening Speech | Conférence d’ouverture

Danièle Bourcier, Directrice de recherche

Groupe Droit, gouvernance et technologies, CERSA-CNRS, Paris (France)


Keynote Speech | Conférence d’honneur

Afsaneh Doryab, Systems Scientist

HCI Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (USA)


Coffee break | Pause-café


Panel 1 - Artificial Intelligence: Explainable, Accountable & Ethical?

Gilbert Babin, Professeur, Directeur du Département des TI, HEC Montréal (Canada)


Explainable AI: Explanations, Expectations, and Options

Michael Ridley

PhD candidate, Faculty of Information and Media Studies, Western University (Canada)

The Intersection of Right to Explanation and Algorithmic Audit
Yi Shyuan Chiang

Masters student, Institute of Law for Science & Technology, National Tsing Hua University (China)

Legal Responsibility and Technical Implementation of Algorithms: Overview and Proposals

Julie Serrier

Masters student, HEC Paris (France)

Fair, Ethical and Just: Can an AI Algorithm Check All the Boxes?

Doaa Abu Elyounes PhD candidate, Harvard Law School, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (USA)




Lunch | Dîner


Panel 2 - Empowering & Disempowering Application Of AI: Case Studies


Karine Gentelet, Professeure & Présidente 

Département des sciences sociales, Université du Québec en Outaouais et Amnistie internationale Canada francophone


Artificial Social Media Moderation
Nareg Froundjian

Avocat stagiaire, Gowling WLG (Canada)

Digital Profiling: Challenges for Equal Opportunities in Online Targeted Advertising Ana Maria Corrêa

PhD candidate, Perelman Centre, Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium)

Content ID to Content AI: Artificial Intelligence Applications to Content Curation
Carl (Ott) Lindstrom

J.D. candidate, William & Mary Law School (USA)

In Google we trust: A critical examination of Google’s algorithmic authority and its impact on democratic information practices
Danica Pawlick-Potts
Ph D student in Library & Information Science, University of Western Ontario (Canada)


Keynote Speech | Conférence d’honneur

Andrew Selbst, Attorney, Post-doctoral Scholar & Visiting Fellow

Data & Society Research Institute & Yale Information Society Project (USA)


Coffee break | Pause-café


Panel 3 - AI and Shifts in Approaches to Law and Governance

Ysolde Gendreau, Professeure, Vice-doyenne aux affaires externes et aux communications

Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal (Canada)


The Rise of Artificial Intelligence in Government: Intertwined Roles of Law, Public Policy and Science Fiction


Cristiano Therrien

PhD candidate, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal (Canada)

What are you tAxIng about?

Vasiliki Koukoulioti

PhD candidate, Centre for Commercial Law Studies, Queen Mary, University of London (UK)

Semantic Disruption as Signal of Legal Change
Megan Ma

PhD candidate, lecturer, Science Po Paris - École de droit (France)

Toward Law’s Network: A Metadata Model
Olivier Charbonneau

Associate Librarian at Concordia University (Canada)


Panel 4 - Application of AI to Justice: Case Studies

Nicolas Vermeys, Professeur, Directeur adjoint

Laboratoire de cyberjustice, Université de Montréal (Canada)


JusticeBot: Simplifying Access to Legal Information Using AI
Hannes Westermann

Ph D candidate, Faculté de droit, Université de Montréal (Canada)

AI-powered Tribunal for Small Claims
Samuel Dahan

Assistant professor, Queen’s University Law School, Director, Conflict Analytics Lab (Canada)

AI as the Judge: Assessing AI deployment in Civil Cases
Erlis Themeli & Stefan Philipsen

Researcher, Erasmus University, Rotterdam & Assistant professor, Utrecht University (Netherlands)

Artificial Intelligence, Empowerment of Legal Profession and Law Enforcement

Babita Ramlal & Beth-Anne Schuelke-Leech

Senior project management consultant, Ontario Ministry of the attorney general, modernization division, innovation office & Assistant professor, University of Windsor (Canada)


Closing Remarks | Cloture


Cocktail @ Salon François-Chevrette


Online Registration: FULL


This content has been updated on 07/10/2019 at 19 h 35 min.