The online dispute resolution platform known as PARLe (Plateforme dAide au Règlement des Litiges en ligne) was conceived by researchers and experts at the Université de Montréal’s Cyberjustice Laboratory. PARLe explores the potential of new technologies for improving the resolution of low-intensity disputes by reducing their costs and processing time. PARLe offers litigants a Web-based dispute resolution platform adapted to consumer disputes and which is based on a tried and tested 3-steps process: a negotiation stage (1) which, if unsuccessful, is followed by a mediation stage (2) which could lead, if no agreement is struck, to the transfer of the case (3) and certain related information to the competent tribunal or court through electronic means. Due to its numerous features, the platform can easily be adapted to the specific needs of administrative tribunals and/or mediation and arbitration bodies.